Monday, April 20, 2015

Learning Reflection

Feeling towards the English language subjects. I think learning English is hard for me because I'm not the expert, but I have been studying with professors for the first time. I think English is difficult not much. I intend to learn to master the homework she ordered it made me learn English knew more, but the most important thing in learning English is the intention and diligent homework early, school teachers teaching teachers is a man who can teach English. Have fun and don't stress to students that learning does not stress to learn English. I love the teacher very much.

Problem and Solution

 I learned about Problem and Solution with Dr. Usa. She explained that it is a pattern of organization where information in a passage expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue (a problem) and something that was, can be, or should be done remedy this issue (solution or attempted solution). After that, she gave the exercises for students. We had to circle the problem markers and highlight the solution markers from the texts. I think if it had a marker, it was easy for me. However, I had to write the main idea and create diagram too. I believe I learn many things from this class.


The teacher explained the texts and assigned us to write the answers of text 1 on the board. Then she gave us the answers of text 2. After that she explanied exemplification. Next she assigned us to read text 1 and complete the diagram and highlight the exemplification markers. Moreover we read text 2 and matched the place with the activities. In addition, she assigned us to do text 3 and 4 for homework. Finally we watched our classmates' vdo. Nothing is easy. Understanding the texts are quite difficult because there are many difficult words. I will find the meaning of the unknown words. I quite worried with this class.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Definition and Classification

On Monday, I studied about definition and classification with Dr. Usa. I was confuse because it very difficult that you will found the types of the main idea. I think it wills easy if it had a discourse marker. It can help me know about the next types. About the exercise, I had to find the classification makers and the definition markers. Then, I had to use them for the diagram. If I did the diagram before, it was easy to understand what the text wants. Then, I had text 2 about Species of whales. I was just to know that whales had many species. And the name of the each species was very difficult to read. So, I have to hear the teacher read before. It was a good way for me.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Cause and Effect

I had a Discourse Approach in Reading. We learned "Cause and Effect". First, the teacher explained the text. Then, she assigned us to read the text and complete the diagram. Next, we circled the cause and effect markers, highlighted each cause and underlined each effect in the sentences. In addition, we circled the cause and effect markers and completed the diagram. Moreover, we read the text  "The Effect of Stress" and answered the questions. Finally, we watched my friends' VDO of recipe. This lesson is quite difficult. I will read it again. I quite worried with this lesson.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Comparison and Contrast

 I had a quiz about 1 hour. After we did the quiz the teacher gave the answers of text 2. Next she read and explained the text "Men and Women: Do They Speak the Same Language?". Then she gave the answers of the text. Finally we watched Kylie's secret of my classmates. Understanding the text is quite easy. Nothing is too difficult. I enjoyed this lesson.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Comparison and Contrast

I learned about “Compare and Contrast” in a Discourse Approach in Reading class again. The teacher taught about Men and Women: Do they speak the same language? Such as the women used language to establish connection and intimacy while the men used language to show independence, status, and show power. And sometime, the women usually talked about fashion more than jokes, but the men like to talk about jokes and sports. It’s really different. 

I think that they speak the different language because they have the different activities. Finally, I believe that they can communicate, if they try to understand each other.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Comparison and Contrast

I learned about “Compare and Contrast” in a Discourse Approach in Reading class. This unit, the teacher told compares and contrast describes about two things or more things which were similarities and differences. Then, I did exercise about New York and Paris. Furthermore, I did exercise about Hurricane Andrew, it very big and strong. I was so scared.

The teacher told about the Hurricane Andrew details such as its category, wide, etc. She assigned me read and did the exercise before she showed the answers. I think it was a good idea.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I learned about the procedure. The teacher told that the procedure was to tell the reader how to do or make something. It was a list in order of use. In my opinion, the procedure was rather too easy for me. In addition, she showed the example for students. It was how to make a banana shake. Then, she told “Goal” was heading, materials were list, and method was instructions. Furthermore, she assigned the exercise one for students. The exercise was about omelet recipe. It was difficult because the picture was not clear. The last, she had homework for students. “You had to present about anything of procedure; for example, chickens soup, fire right, juice, etc."


On Thursday, I learned about the Descriptive with Dr Usa. The descriptive is a text which say about what a person, a thing, a place or animals is like. For this class, I learned the descriptive about the matter of Komodo dragon, Budapest, and Prague.

The Komodo dragon was a giant monitor lizard found in Indonesia, and it can grow up to 3 to 4 meters in length. It made me feel scare.

And the next, I leaned about the Budapest in Hungary. It was describe about history of Budapest and tour in Buddha and Pest. Finally, I leaned about Prague. It was describe about the city and the uniqueness of Prague. After we read finished, we had to do the exercise from the text.
The descriptive make easy to read and understand about the text, and maybe, it can help me, when I have the test.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Today I was going to learn about the secret story. Who’s the secret? It was Kylie’s secrets and there were many problems in Kylie's family; for example, she not lived with her father, her mother’s new husband, etc. First, I studied the story by myself. Second, I shared the story with my partner and the teacher described about the story for us. Then, I would like to write the summary of this story part one and part two.

The summary part one
     Kylie feels leave out from her mother and Philip’s activities. She becomes interested in the chickens in the yard. Somehow, her secrets help her to feel less lonely. She finds a second egg and then finds out where others are being laid by an unhealthy-looking her. She saw another egg added to the nest up the back every day. Then, her secrets become the bigger every day. By the time, she left alone but she was happy. She like to sat on the fence and sharing the secrets with the hen. Sometime, she likes to see her photo album at the grapevines and missed her father.

The summary part two

        After, Kylie was forbidden to lift the lid. She thinks about it every time. And then, she began to lift the lid of the well. She climbs down to the well with her photo album every day. And every time that she saw her photo album, she thinks why her father and her mother did not live together with her. Moreover, when she looked at the only picture in her album, she held the picture close to her face. It made her confident and it stopped her from feeling lonely. By the time, on Sunday afternoon, Kylie lifted to the lid of the well as usual. Suddenly, Philip caught her and hit her. Then, Philip bought a padlock to lock the well. At dusk, she put the chicken and the hen into the cardboard box and dropped them down the well. Although, she will do it, but she cry. Then, she took her photograph the only one from its place in the album, and she cut off her head and poked it through a hole in the fly screen of the window.

My opinion:
        I feel sorry for Kylie because she is left out from mother and she feels alone.
        I disapprove of Kylie’s mother because she always didn’t care her daughter and she often left Kylie alone.
        I disapprove of Philip because he made Kylie feel alone.  
        The eggs: Kylie’s secrets and they help her from feel lonely. Then, they were instead the new things in her life.
       The well: The well is the secret of place for Kylie.
        The photo album: this is a good remember about Kylie’s father.
        Kylie’s cutting her photo: she was destroying her happily remember.
        *If I were Kylie I will make a good thing, and I will try to join with mother’s activity. Then, I will be a good child. May be, I am going to live with my father.

Monday, February 2, 2015


 On Thursday, I went to the university to learn with Dr. Usa Noytim. This day, she taught about the Narratives for class. She taught about the purpose of the narratives, types and text organization. I think the narratives weren't difficult. Moreover, I wanted to tell to the teacher “I'm sorry teacher, but I will try to understand the things that you taught”.Then she told us divide group 5-6 person. After that in group write recount and present in front of the class After we read the text finish, we started answers the question and I was  very  happy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Today I learned about the Recount again. The teacher taught about the recount again, and she told our reading text and answers the question. The text about “An Excursion to the Botanic Gardens.” This story told about the excursion of the students. In addition, at the Botanic Garden have any place that they can education such as they can found the knowledge at the Education Center , and when you wanted to drink a tea, you can walked to a little spot in the Botanic Garden. Moreover, they went to make their terrarium and they took into a pyramid terrarium.”Then she told us divide group 5-6 person. After that in group write recount and present in front of the class After we read the text finish, we started answers the question. The questions were not difficult, if you understand the text. Then, I think the teacher taught us, it was easy to understand.


On Thursday, I learned about the recount. There were 3 kind of the recount such as; personal recount, factual recount, and imaginative recount. When the teacher taught finish, she assigned the exercise for students. The exercise about the story " My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja." I have the idea of this story that is........   " I think this ceremony of Funeral was really cool because it had a funeral tower (lakian), buffalo matches, feasting, charting, and dancing. It was amazing for me. We were never feasting for the funeral. On the other hand, we set the ceremony that polite and quiet. And the ceremony, we were always sad emotion. Nevertheless,it had a similar such as we brought the corpse in a sandal wood coffin and it was brought out of the house. However, I think we have the ceremony of funeral for commemoration to the dead.I was very happy.

A Discourse Approach in Reading.

On Thursday I leaned about A Discourse Approach in Reading with Dr. Usa Noytim. She taught about discourse marker. First, she explained about the applying. I think the discourse marker was a link of the sentence. It was easy for you to write the paragraph. Then, she taught about the kinds of the discourse marker. After that, she assigned the exercises and she did an example for us.  Although, she did an example for us, we didn't understand them. So I had to ask my friends to explained that again.The difficult of discourse marker was the applying because if I didn't understand the meaning and the function, I used it incorrect. I was very happy.